Friday, August 24, 2007

Case Study - Gravity Pods

Gravity Pods is a vector-based physics shooter / puzzle. The objective is simple: shoot a projectile at a target. There are some barriers throughout each stage and naturally there is a way around those barriers. By strategically placing 'Gravity Pods' around the stage, you can bend the path your projectile takes in order to go around walls, down halls, curves back on itself etc. The trick is figuring out where to put them to lead the projectile to the target. The first levels are simple, but it gets progressively tougher as the courses get harder, and more elements come into play.

There are simply three controllable items in this game: moving the cannon up and down, changing the angle of the cannon on an axis-by axis degree and placement of the gravity pods.

Our project team have been deeply influenced by this game as the basic functionality of the game served the basis of what our team have aimed to achieve in our 'search and destroy' project. Ultimately, our 'search and destroy' project aims to encourage 'the analyzing process' and make it practical use for 'strategic planning'.

Similarly to how we play chess, we aim to use this type of strategic exercise to train our logical brain. Our team have found our inspiration from this game by the game's ulitmate goal - to guide the light beams to reach the destination. This particular case is similar to our project concept but instead of having the physical elements in this game, there are only digital representations of the concept. Paths to exits in each area must be decided by all players, and the right combination of working technicians must be found in order to clear a route.

Reference List
Peters, K. 2007. Wicked Pissah Games. (accessed August 14, 2007).

Link to Flash Game:

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