Monday, July 30, 2007

Lecture 02: Interactive Art Research

Jen Seevinck

Research Background
CCS (Creativity & Cognition Studios)
Sticky Traffic -

Medical skills training simulator - API (assisted pxxx insulation) relates to augmented reality display system.

Virtual O.R. team training - blending real and virtual, medical areas relating to surgery

definition by- (framing the term in different ways)
function : navigate, selection
modality: direct input, haptic
participant-computer relationship: static
style: command line, Q&A, metaphor
computing paradigm: personal computing, large scale network computing

Tangible Media Context
Embodied interfaces
Wearable computing
-how media is constructed
Tangible User Interface (TUI) - Ishii & Ulmer
Haptics - touch and tracking

Sound gesture & algorithm = imagery
dappled light

Design mechanisms
Conceptual Strategy: -
1.Start of the Research

Site and Concept

Sand as interface - metaphor as landscape

is not an part of an object
it is the relationship between the object and the people

Quality of interaction of sand in Glass Pond